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Getting assistance from someone who has been through similar experiences as you has tremendous value. At 7th Step, we place emphasis on learning from our members with lived experience. 


New members can use the success of long-standing members as a model for their own journey. Individuals who have had conflict with the law, who have changed their behaviour, are a source of motivation and inspiration for new members!

The Peer Support Team

Steven Deveau

Executive Director

Steven Deveau has been working in the mental health and addiction field for 10 years. He is a certified peer supporter and a certified coach practitioner. His lived experience has driven him to help others in his community through his work and in his daily life.He believes in the power of hope and gratitude to encourage recovery and wellness for people struggling with mental health and addictions.

Nancy Everson-Berrigan
Peer Support/Program Coordinator

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Nancy attended her first 7th Step Society Street Group Meeting in March 2018. It was the best decision she ever made. Since then, she has excelled exceptionally within the society, becoming a core group member, a director on the provincial board, chairperson for the board of directors, peer support worker and recently accepted the Peer Support Coordinator position. She graduated from MBC with a diploma in Counselling/Social Human Services. 7th Step supports her, without judgment, which allows her to grow strong in her recovery over the past 5 years. She now wants to give back what was freely given to her. She is dedicated to supporting those who have had conflict with the law and those who struggle with addiction. She believes her empathy and lived experience are her best assets to support others. She will be forever grateful to the members of 7th Step!

Dominic Thomas

 Peer Support Worker

My name is Dominic Thomas. I am a Peer Support for the 7 Step Society of Nova Scotia. I was born and raised in Dartmouth. I have been in active addiction for 30 years and was incarcerated for the better part of 13 years; I finally decided to pick myself and get the help I needed. I went to the Freedom Foundation of Nova Scotia, a non-profit addiction treatment facility, and was introduced to the 7th Step Society of NS. The support from the staff and all walks of life are beneficial. I want to participate and give back to the community that supported me at my lowest time. The 7th Step Society is the perfect fit for me!

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Marissa Shephard
Peer Support Worker

Bio coming soon

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We acknowledge that we are meeting in Mi’kma’ki (meeg-ma-gee), the ancestral and unceded territory\of the Mi’kmaq (meeg-mah) People. 

We recognize that African Nova Scotians are a distinct people whose histories, legacies and contributions have enriched that part of Mi'kma'ki known as Nova Scotia for over 400 years.

As we work through the 7 Steps to Freedom, we commit  to the work it takes to create a culturally safe, inclusive  and anti-racist culture within our 7th Step street group  meetings each and every week. 

We acknowledge the equality of all communities and we  encourage respect and kindness toward these  communities in our meetings and in our daily lives.

The 7 Steps Pledge - Mi'kmaq


Kejitu ta'n tel seyey wejiaq ta'n telita'si aqq tel-lukwey ni'n wesuwa'lsi ankaptmn aqq wkswa'tun taqoey teliaq ukjit ni'n siaw klo'tmn ta'n tel-seyey na' tal-lukwen mimajuaqniktuk apoqnmuan ktikik ta'n ni'n teli apoqnmuksiap

The 7 Steps Pledge - English


Knowing that my freedom depends upon my thoughts and actions; I hereby pledge:

To face and accept the truth about myself, to maintain my freedom, to become a useful member of society, to help others as I am now being helped. 


The 7 Steps Pledge - French


Engagement de la 7th Step

Sachant que ma liberté dépend de mes pensées et de mes actions, je m’engage par la présente à
Faire face à la vérité sur moi-même et l’accepter, conserver mon libre-arbitre, devenir un membre utile de la société et aider les autres comme on m’aide actuellement.

Contact Us



Core Group Members Only

Our funders and community partners play a crucial role in everything we accomplish. Their support is invaluable to our mission. We couldn't do it without them.


  • Mental Health Foundation of NS

  • The Northpine Foundation

  • Saint Mary's University

  • Department of Justice Province of NS Correctional Services

  • Dalhousie University

  • NSCC

  • The United Way

  • Nova Scotia Justice: Public Safety and Security Division




©2023 by 7th Step Society NS. - All Rights Reserved. Registered Charity # 749295333 RR001

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